Know the Risk Factors for Periodontal Disease

Cigarette cause Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, ranging from slight to severe, is very prevalent in our society.  Nearly 50% of adults in the US over the age of 30 are impacted by periodontal disease. That percentage jumps to 70% in adults 65 and older.  So, what are some of the factors that increase our risk for developing periodontal disease … Read more

What is the link between Diabetes & Periodontal Disease?


There has been a link between these two diseases that have been studied for years and time and again a strong correlation has been found. The severity of the periodontal disease increases with poor glycemic control and blood sugar levels are more difficult to regulate in individuals with periodontal disease. Periodontal disease has even been … Read more

What are the Stages of Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal Disease

Your hygienist has probably discussed periodontal disease with you, they take measurements of the gums at least every 12 months to aid in determining what stage of health your gums and bone are at. This is part of the periodontal assessment which includes but is not limited to: pocket depths, recession, bleeding, mobility, and root … Read more

Autoimmune Series: Rheumatoid Arthritis and Oral Health

3D illustration of Palm painful - skeleton x-ray, medical concept.

This month we’re kicking off a new blog series here at Laurel Dental! Every other month through 2019 we will be highlighting a different autoimmune disease and the impacts it has on oral health, and vice versa. Autoimmune diseases are wide ranging diseases that affect many systems of the body. Their commonality though, is that … Read more

Dive in to the Heart of Oral Health

Women Runner taking pulse

At Laurel Dental Clinic we are advocates for treating your oral health in conjunction with your overall health. A lot of us treat our mouths as a separate entity from the rest of our body and ignore the fact that what goes on here has a large correlation to many other health issues. This month … Read more